Jim + Kristine Carpenter

Senior Pastors and Founders

Jim Carpenter was saved in August of 1987 at the age of 26 years old. He had a radical salvation encounter during a move of the Holy Spirit where hundreds were swept into relationship with Jesus. After that, he experienced an incredible hunger for the things of God: worship, prayer and the Word. This hunger was recognized by church leadership and opportunity for leadership training and personal discipleship commenced into full development.

While attending the Brownsville Revival in the 1990’s, Jim was powerfully touched and spent the next 4 years auditing BSSM classes all while raising his family and providing leadership for his own business. He and his wife Kristine now have 4 children and 7 grandchildren who all have a solid, personal relationship with the Lord. Jim and Kristine share a deep hunger for revival in every generation. He has also had the opportunity to travel overseas in Asia, South America, and Eastern Europe teaching “Foundations for Revival” to national leaders. Jim and Kristine are the Senior Leaders of The Bridge. 13 years ago they received an invitation to attend a conference at White Horse Christian Center in West Lafayette, Indiana. From that first visit, a divine relationship was formed with Apostle and Pastor, Jeff Johns. In 2005 The Bridge began in a living room with 5 people during a Sunday afternoon prayer and worship time. The Holy Spirit moved powerfully and still continues to today. In 2006 they were ordained as Senior Leaders by Pastor Jeff Johns and they continue to attend and minister at yearly conferences at White Horse Christian Center. 

Jim also provides leadership and oversight for the FIVE30 Event Center at 1104 J Street in Marysville. The FIVE30 currently provides a meeting space for various community, business and education needs on a monthly basis. Jim is a full-time student of White Horse School of Ministries and also leads extension classes for the school at The FIVE30 Event Center throughout the year.Jim has a genuine heart for the lost and compassion to see God’s harvest discipled, trained, and released into ministry!